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Thursday 7 October 2010

Employment Opportunity

Employment opportunities have really been enhanced by the use of the new technologies within ICT. the three main attributes that relate to this are automation, globalisation and  flexibility. Also, I will be exploring direct employment opportunities generated by ICT. I will be explaining and giving examples of how the four aspects affect the use of ICT in the new information age.

Automation, What it is and examples of advantages and disadvantages-

What is automation?
This is the change in technology which has enabled us to develop different types of machinery, which are able to undertake work which some people are able to do. These pieces of machinery are automated and therefore, save time and energy for businesses such as factories.

This is a video showing how automation is being used to generate jobs and is also talking about an example of how countries are trying to improve employment opportunities

For example, a disadvantage to this new innovation of automated technologies is that it is putting a decline on employment opportunities for a large proportion of people including factory workers and banking staff. In the case of factory workers, they are being replaced by automated machinery and robotics overseas where the goods can be produced at a more competitive price without having the increased expense of human labour. This is also an advantage to businesses as there is a 100% decrease in human error as the work will be completely done by machinery programmed to follow instructions and they also preform at the same pace and quality as they don't have to rest or under preform like human workers.
In terms of the disadvantage linked to banking staff, there is a decline in demand for certain types of employees as the tasks they would have undertaken are now being preformed by automated robotics and machinery. As in the case of factory workers, they have all lost their traditional jobs in factories such as wrapping and packaging; labelling; loading and sorting. Now, even though they have lost their work in factories, they are able to take on new opportunities that have been created because of they innovation in ICT. The example of this are; call centres- which has allowed us to provice a huge amount of vacancies to the unemployed. Call centres are used as a place where the public and external customers of the business can ring up with any quieries and any problems that they are facing with the service that they have been provided with. This is a great use of automation as in a call centre, they use computers and headsets to communicate and find information. This also affects employment opportunities in a great way as it enables the employees to learn new skills and to have new abilities and understanding of the innovation of automation. Also, the use of ICT in call centres is very complex as there are a lot of systems put in place to help employees get on with their tasks such as; databases- which allow the employees to look up any technical information that relates to the customer at a click of a few buttons; answer machines and waiting lists which are basically systems used to sort out the customers needs. This system is convenient for the employees as it is used to help them organise the task in hand and the system is a disadvantage for the customers as it can become a lengthy process which can become very costly depending on the type of number.

Globalisation, what it is and advantages and disadvantages-
The process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications.

There are many advantages and disadvantages  to how ICT has affected employment opportunities through globalisation. One of the most successful outcomes of globalisation has been call centres. All of the technologies used in a call centre are due to the the development of ICT; This is an important factor as it has allowed us to create a new environment for people to phone in and enquire as well as using this opportunity for marketing, research and customer service purposes.firstly, we have been able to use a call centre as a means of customer service. This is done by employees being available to answer constant queries over the phone. An example of how ICT has affected this process is the headsets that are used by the employees to answer the calls. This affects society as it has lead to more flexibility when answering the phone as it has allowed users to talk in different areas when they want.
This has also affected businesses as there has been a new market for this product and there is also a constant demand as for example, call centres have them in continuous use; this then allows businesses to employ more staff in order to meet the demands of their clients. The globalisation of call centres has allowed call centres to be based all over the world where there is an accessibility to the internet and also ICT. This has allowed use to employ more people, therefore making globalisation a very great advantage to our society as we have benefited because of the substantial decrease in unemployment. This has meant that life in the information age has become aster and more efficient as issues such as identity theft can be talked through and worked out over the phone with employees from the company who are delivering customer services in call centre. The disadvantage of globalisation in call centres is that there has been a reduction in face-to-face customer services as the process of calling into a call centre may be robotic which can lead to a very generic service which does not have a personal feel. This affects society as the customers are not getting the best service that the expect and require all of the time.

This is 
Flexibility- examples of advantages and disadvantages
Flexibility in employment opportunities is the ability to have a choice of where to go to look for prospective employment opportunities. An example of flexibility in the information age that has directly linked to employment opportunities is the numerous websites that have been constructed in order for the businesses to market their job listings and vacancies. for example, the use of ICT has allowed such sites as|21030|||S|e|5789936082 to offer thousands of jobs to prospective employees. They include job listings from graduate jobs to part time and full time job listings. This is an advantage to society as it has meant that jobs from all over the world which has shaped the diversity of our society and the choice of work has become very broad. It has also allowed room for people to come across major opportunities to work for the most well known companies and businesses which also benefit businesses as they get to pick from the high volume of curriculum vitae that they receive from people and the websites that are hosting their vacancies. However, there are also some disadvantages to flexibility. Firstly, most opportunities require applicants to have the correct qualifications, without these qualifications many opportunities will pass you by. This affects society as in the information age, if you don't have the right qualities you won't get any opportunities.
 This therefore means that there is a larger social divide in society due to the advance. Another major disadvantage to these websites is that it is first come first serve, which means that there is a large volume of people going for the opportunities when there is not enough. This then results in people finding that even though they have the right qualities, they are unable to apply for any opportunities. This then leads to a positive for some businesses who offer training for those that are in need of new skills.
This is the business link website page, #they provide free training to businesses
Not only are their sites that offer employment opportunities, there is also the  flexibility that relates to the training that people can gain to either start up their own business or to gain certain skills in order for them to be able to get back into the working world. This shows that flexibility is a very positive factor of the use of ICT in employment opportunities as when it rises problems, it also has solutions to them which benefits everyone.

Jobless total falls below one million

The Government today maintained that the UK was on the road to full employment after the number of people claiming benefit dipped below one million for the first time in over 25 years.
The claimant count fell to 996,200 last month, the lowest total since December 1975.

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I feel that this story is relevant as it is showing the most recent development in unemployment levels which is a crucial factor as unemployment level depend on various issues.

JOB CLINIC: I'm jobless, so what's on offer to get me working? 

Last updated at 8:15 PM on 19th December 2009
Answered by David Way, deputy chief executive of the National Apprenticeship Service.
I have been on Jobseeker's Allowance for five months and have heard that after six months I am guaranteed a training place or job. How does it work?
After six months you are entitled to take up one of a number of options to help find work, one of which is known as the Training Offer.
It began in April and it means those who have been unemployed and on Jobseeker's Allowance for six months will be offered extra help to get back into work quickly.

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I feel this story is relevant as it is an example of how flexibility of helping people get back into the working world.

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