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Thursday 7 October 2010

Entertainment and leisure

  The effect that digital technology has had on the entertainment and leisure industry has been immence.
The innovations are endless and all areas of entertainment have been changed by digital technology. The areas that have been positively effected are the production and distribution; Even so, there is still more room for innovation and scope for change. the four main topics that i will use to explain the effects of entertainment and leisure on the society are;
This is the BBC iplayer webite

iplayer- iplayer is used by companies such as the BBC and ITV and are used to store programs that have already aired on national television. They also allow the users to watch movies and new trailors that the company wants to preview. iplayer is a real asset to the the entertainment industry as it allows them to maximise their viewing audience in order to make the most money and therefore boost the economy. This is one way that ICT in entertainment has affected us. Another way in which ICT has affected us is that it has allowed us to become more productive with our time because we are given an opportunity to view the most wanted and proffered programs of our choice at any time. This is also very time saving as there is no hassle of waiting for other programs to end before the program that is wanted is shown. This is also an indication of how ICT has speeded up our lives as we are now able to pick and choose the timing of what we want to watch and when we want to watch it.This also means that we no longer need to have channels as we can use iplayer to watch the programs that may be of interest, therefore making television more accessible for those who are on a budget and allowing the consumer to have the ability to replay there favourite shows over and over again. iplayer can also be accessed on android devices such as the iphone and can then be used as entertainment for it's viewers for when they are on the go and travelling. This is a major affect that ICT has had on the entertainment industry as it has allowed us the opportunity of a new form of entertainment for when we are on the go and have some spare time.
iplayer has also increased accessibility by allowing the consumers to watch movies for free, which have qualities of up to HD. This is an advantage as iplayer unlike movie sites does not charge the consumer money to watch their favourite programs. These movies tend to be very current and up to date, which allows the consumer to then pick and choose from the most talked about box office hits. iplayer is also very good as it allows the consumer to watch the video's for free as well as watching them in excellent quality which other sites do not provide. iplayer also provides all of the most popular programs from some of the leading nation television programs, for example, ITV iplayer offers the programs from ITV1, ITV2 and ITV3. This also impact the way we are thinking and using ICT and applying it to entertainment as it is being used to help the businesses and the consumer to get the best from their online television entertainment.
 I also have a jing video to place here which shows how to use BBC iplayer

This is a video showing how to use Iplayer-

This is how the 3D images would look
to those wearing 3D glasses

Development of cinema technology-The innovation of cinema technology has allowed our society to grow and develop both economically and technically. From watching films in black and white on projectors to watching them in full HD, 3D and Blue Ray. The atmosphere of the cinema also adds to the magnificence of the whole process and this is because you are effectively in a room full of people with the same interests as you and the room will be lit in a way that creates the suitable atmosphere for the movie. This is why cinemas are still yet so appealing even though there are systems that enable people to have their very own cinema system at the comfort of their lounge. Due to the innovation of ICT, film makers have been able to adapt and innovate movie technology in order to achieve the most recent full 3D movies such as Avatar which has the most advanced animation. This is an incredible innovation which has allowed us to achieve incredible animation and image quality.This has affected society as we have developed our entertainment and leisure to such an advanced stage in technology. This has also affected businesses as it has created new markets for these technologies to be developed and sold to the masses. Cinema technologies are a large part of today's entertainment market and has been significantly positively affected by ICT. this has also lead to the development of DVD's and BLUE RAY. this has been a positive aspect for businesses as it has lead to new innovation of technology, therefore, businesses achieve more sale which lead to the economic growth. In my own experience of cinema technology, i can say that i have had a very good experience of the 3D innovation whilst watching 3D Avatar. The animation and the realism that was created was absolutely genius and the way that it was presented was immaculate and incredible. Overall, there is effective use of ICT in this sector of entertainment and leisure.

This is a trailer for Avatar 3D which shows the amazing graphic technology that is involved in the process

Use of ICT in sports equipment- The use of ICT in leisure equipment such as treadmills have developed over time. This has lead to the use of treadmills as a alternative to jogging. The Treadmill has taken over all of the gyms and fitness and leisure centres. It is a new innovation that has affected businesses positively as it has lead to a new market which is already saturated with different models and types. They have also been developed so that there is flexibility and adaptability in order to suit each runner. This is a major plus point as it has has allowed people to become confident in exercising, which has resulted in a benefit to society as people have become more health concious which is brilliant as we are becoming a healthier nation in this information age. As the treadmill is an alternative to jogging outdoors, it is the perfect innovation as there is no more concern for the weather conditions as runners are able to run indoors and the treadmill also allows the user to run as fast, slow, far and near in distances. Another clever innovation in this is that some businesses have added in accessories such as multimedia screens so that the runner can multi task whilst running.
These screens can allow users to surf the net and watch television which is also a big innovation. This has affected society as it has meant that we are able to run large distances in one place whilst doing something like watching the news. This has also affected businesses as it has opened another new market for this product which also helps to achieve a bright economic outlook. In my own experience i can say that i enjoyed using this type of leisure equipment and have decided to use it as an example as it is one of the most popular piece of equipment that is used in leisure centres and is becoming more and more popular. I really enjoyed my experience and would definitely go again as i can see the benefits. However, if i was to point out the only two flaws, they would be that firstly, that they can be quite expensive to use so it isn't accessible to everyone as gym memberships can be very costly and secondly, We miss out on the chance to get fresh air and technology usage in leisure does prevent us from being outdoors and enjoying the surroundings of park very often. Overall, innovation of ICT in leisure equipment and treadmills is just an example of how efficiently technology has developed and improved our society as well as innovating multi tasking.

This is a picture of a group playing on the Wii
console with the motion plus censor.

Use of ICT in games consoles- The use of ICT in gaming as a form of entertainment has grown so much that the accessibility it so high that most homes in the UK will have one. It has developed from big machines where money could be inserted to play games such as PAC MAN, to now having the new innovation of motion plus on the Nintendo Wii. This innovation allows the user to have there motions censored by devices on the console and remote in order to control the gaming character on the screen, this has rocketed in popularity and there is an always steady demand for new technologies and new games for people to buy. It is also a trend issue as well, this is because people are prepared to pay enough to get the latest games first without having to wait. This has hugely affected the gaming industry as it has allowed them to achieve expansive profit which they have been able to reinvest into the industry to create and develop new forms of gaming. These console also allow the users to connect with people all over the world by gaming online; This results in an excellent form of multi tasking as gamers which can be anyone from anonymous people to friends and family that live half way around the world, not only to connect but also play games with each other. This is beneficial in this information age as it shows hoe ICT is interlinking different aspects of technology to develop and expand existing ideas. This also affects business really well as they are always able to come up with different innovations. Games consoles have affected people as they have led to people spending more quality time as families in the hectic information age. It has also had it's own drawbacks as well, as we have found that too much gaming for children has led to less focus in education; This may be a negative affect or the future as it there are less educated people then it will lead to less innovation in technology, which is a very negative aspect. From my own experience, i can say that gaming is very addictive and if we are not careful we may become addicted which can lead to us not being able to carry on with our lives healthily and normally and can cause risks such as poor eye sight and obesity from lounging whilst gaming. Overall, i think that ICT has had a major impact in the way that we are entertaining ourselves and has also helped to shape our society in terms of leisure which also has positive and negative aspects.

Store withdraws video game after brutal killing

Last updated at 15:44 29 July 2004

Stefan Pakeerah
Tragic: Stefan Pakeerah
A high street electronics chain has withdrawn a bloodthirsty video game after it was blamed for the horrific and brutal murder of a 14-year-old boy by a teenage friend.

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This story shows the extreme of the negative aspects that the technology of gaming has had on society and it has been a very tragic and repeated event.

Computer games 'should be in class'

Last updated at 08:53 05 October 2006

Kid playing video game
Teachers should use commercial computer games in classes, a Government-backed report claims.
It says pupils can learn vital skills from computer games in lessons, such as negotiating and decision-making. Educational games have 'limited commercial appeal'.

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This story is very different as it focuses on the positive aspect that entertainment can bring to education and they have also come up with a very persuasive argument which is very interesting.

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