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Sunday 26 September 2010

Social networking sites

What is Social Networking?

 Any website designed to allow multiple users to publish contentthemselves. The information may be on any subject and may be forconsumption by (potential) friends, mates, employers, employees,etc. The sites typically allow users to create a "profile" describingthemselves and to exchange public or private messages and listother users or groups they are connected to in some way. Theremay be editorial content or the site may be entirely user-driven.Content may include text, images (e.g. (, video(e.g. ( any other media. 
Social networks on the the web are a natural extension of mailing lists and buletin boardsThey are related to wikis like( but typically do not allow users to modifycontent once it has been submitted, though usually you can publishcomments on others' submissions. 

social network definition

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © Denis Howe 2010
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Social networking is when you can share various things such as text and multimedia items with other groups of people from your personal preference. social networking is an extension from e-mailing and is becoming increasingly popular through sites such as Facebook and Twitter. 


The first great feature of Facebook as a form of social networking is that it allows the user to search for friends and people of interest as well as people that share the similar interests as them; this then allows the user to have an organised list of friends and they also gain access to suggestions of who they may know. They are able to do this by going onto the Facebook search option and typing in the name of the person, they can also choose people that may seem familiar from the interesting suggestions list. Facebook is a great way to meet new friends and find and relocates old friends and family. This is a very positive aspect as it now means that people are able to communicate with relatives and past associates and also keep up to date with the events in their lives.  Facebook can also be used as a means of finding the perfect partner or attracting business for online E-commerce. Firstly, Facebook has a lot of dating website businesses which advertise on Facebook, which then results to Facebook becoming a really flexible and accessible site for online romance. This has shaped society and helped society evolve as there have been more marriages and relationships formed as a result of online dating. Therefore, this also shows that the accessibility of Facebook is very expansive as it is a very open way to advertise self businesses and existing business opportunities.

The second great feature is that the user has a choice of how much information they would like to share with the rest of the users. This is a great feature as some people are very weary of how much they want to share with people they may not have ever met in person. This can be done by clicking on settings and changing the information that the viewers and friends are able to see; this will put a limit on how much Facebook is allowed to show. There is a disadvantage to this as Facebook have the right to give the users information out to different businesses who want to advertise. Therefore, this has really changed and shaped society as there is a pass over of information which some users won't even realise is happening.  Another great feature is that the users are able to upload videos from sites such as Youtube and share them with their friends, which is very useful in sharing information and creating a hype about the topic in discussion. This has also shaped and developed how society is influenced by Facebook, as there are many different opinions being share every minute.  A great feature is that there is an application for the user to advertise events and businesses which is completely free! this is great for new talents and businesses looking for a broad view of advertisement. This makes Facebook a really efficient way for people to communicate and confirm information as well as reviewing the information posted. one other great feature is that the user will be able to join groups by 'liking' them and then this will enable them to join in conversations and share information.
 Linking to this, the user will also be able to start making their own groups and starting conversations and discussion that interest them which will be very beneficial to the user. Facebook is free! so it is a very attractive form of communication to the users and is very growing in the number of people around the world that use it. It is also one of the online services that has affected our generation largely.


Twitter is a well established and accomplished social networking site that is used by most of the famous celebrities. It has an ever growing number of users and is incredibly well known around the world. Twitter allows its users to update by 'tweeting' through email, android phone devices and also the site itself. This is an advantage for people who are constantly on the go and need only to do a few short updates. This is also an advantage as the user does not have to be on Twitter to send the messages and can access Twitter as well by purchasing apps for android devices such as the iphone. This has changed and innovated how society has now started to communicate and change Twitter has changed the form of communication as we are now able to post little updates of how and what we are doing at the time of the Tweet. Twitter is mainly used by users so that they will be able to get in touch or just follow celebrities and they are verified by a blue tick which is placed by Twitter to confirm the celebrity status. This is an advantage as users will gain the knowledge of whether the celebrity account is legitimate or not; therefore, confirming that there isn't a strange person pretending to be a celebrity. This is also a disadvantage of social networking as it has an element of insecurity about who you are actually talking to as you are unable to view there face while talking, unless a web cam is introduced into the conversation. This is one of the main reasons for people following and joining Twitter as they will be able to find and adore their chosen celebrities. A great feature on Twitter is that it can store your contacts, therefore, when you are wanting to tweet someone you will be able to by selecting them from the given list. This is an advantage as the user will save a lot of time in typing someone's twitter name. Also, there is a feature which allows the user to view other peoples mini profiles which is good for finding out information about the other person such as birth dates. This is useful as it helps the user in remembering certain information about the person they are speaking to. This has changed and influenced society as there is sense of ease and accessibility in finding information about someone that may be needed such as a birth date. Another useful aspect of Twitter is that it allows the user to find suggested users that they might be interested in and this is useful as it allows the user to save time searching the person or group have the same interests and things in common. This is shown in the top right hand corner of the page and is  also available on a separate page showing people with similar interests to you and your existing contacts.    

Finally, an advantage is that all viewer can post their opinions on a 'trending topic' and millions of users can then respond negatively and also positively. This has allowed society to think more openly and has given us a large platform to voice our opinions.Overall, Twitter is very interactive and is leading the way into the future of social networking along with Facebook.

Advantages of social networking sites-
The first big advantage is that you will be able to stay in touch with your nearest and dearest all of the time. This is great especially if you live half way around the world from your family and miss them a lot. This is also a great way to share family orientated events such as birthdays. This is also a big advantage as you will be able to stay in touch with people that you don't get to see every day of the week due to work and other commitments.This has also innovated the availability of communication all over the world which would not have been thought of thirty years ago. The second big advantage is that the users will be able to share multiple points of view on different topic, from private to public discussions. therefore, the user will also be able to view the feedback they get from these views. this will enable them to take the views on board and develop their ideas. The development of ideas is a major advantage as it has allowed us to innovated and come up with new, weird and wonderful ideas and creations. Social networking also enables users to find friends with the same interests as them which means that they will be able to make new friends as well. Social networking allows people to link between countries all over the world; Therefore, allowing them to share and communicate information. This is an innovation in itself as it has communication to cross new boundaries and develop so that we can have live web chats which enable us to view a video link to the recipient. Social networking sites allow users to search for friends to make it easy and efficient, they also have recommendations of who you may know already or local people from your area. This is very useful as it prevents the need to search for every single person and will also allow users to talk to people that they haven't interacted with before. Social networking is great for up and coming businesses who are trying to find their feet as it is a large portion of advertising which is almost completely free!!! Finally, social networking can also be accessed using android devices such as an iphone, which makes it so much more easier and more efficient for users that are constantly on the go. This is a very great advantage and disadvantage of social networking as even though it has made communication very efficient and accessible, it has also led to society becoming very lazy as everything is at a touch of a button.

Disadvantages of social networking sites-
There are more advantages to disadvantages of social networking sites which makes it a very efficient form of online service. The first disadvantage is that some people may find it as an invasion of privacy which can really put people off. This can lead to a portion of people not wanting to use that site and giving it bad press.This would be very unfortunate as the innovation and use of ICT in social networking is an incredibly important factor in communication in this day and age. the second disadvantage is Cyber stalking, and the danger of child predators who can create a false identity and lure victims in. This is why social networking is extremely unpopular with parents,school and institutes. this is a very bad aspect as it can bring an incredibly bad image for social networking and can also become very fatal in some cases. The next disadvantage of social networking is that your personal details can be passed onto advertisers in order for them to constantly disrupt you with different advertisements, which can become extremely annoying for the user. Finally, another point to consider is that social networking sites can become very addictive, which can waste a lot of valuable time and can become so addictive that it may lead to effecting the user significantly.

I think that this story shows that social networking can be used by any one and can be used very freely to do whatever the user wants to do.I think that this story shows that posting the wrong things on social networking sites can lead to a lot of conflict and bad press for people.

Sarah Palin 'posts her CV on professional social networking site'

Last updated at 1:39 AM on 21st October 2009
Former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin appears to have posted her CV on an internet job site.The profile featuring Mrs Palin's name and picture claims she is looking for new opportunities in the business world after having stepped down as Governor of Alaska three months ago.
Read more:

Social networking anxiety causes some to turn away

Syracuse (WSYR-TV) - The social networking scene may be getting some backlash from one of its biggest user demographics, college students. Some are starting to distance themselves from sites like Facebook and Twitter because they feel the social pressure is too significant.

"I just think that you don't constantly need to be connected to everybody every 5 seconds and a half," said Syracuse University Student Carmine Pierre.

I feel that this story reflects the disadvantage of social networking and is a reflection of how people are continuously becoming obsessed with this innovation of communication.*