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Wednesday 8 September 2010

Email task

What is meant by the term Email?
The definition of email or electronic mail is the exchage of messages that are computer stored which can be sent through telecommunications. you must have connections to a email server or your email wont be sent.
the two main types of email are web mail and client-based mail. the main difference between the two are that client based email is useful and used by businesses who can then store the main in th application Microsoft outlook. webmain on the other hand, is accessible by everyone from any computer via the internet.

Here are two different email services and their different features


Gmail is one of the top servers for security as it has HTTPS, which is one of the compusary features on the email servers and is used to protect any details from false users. you will be protected against details being given out such as credit card details, saved password and account details and the emails that are sent to another account. This is a really good advantage as it allows the user to have peace of mind while they are sending confidential information which they do not wish to disclose. This then encourages people to use the service as the service has a very reputable name.Gmail also allows the user to make calls to the people on their friends list. Gmail could be seen as a messenger as well as an email server. this application will allow the users firends to stay in touch constantly, without having to open a seperate messenger; which makes it very accessible and adaptable for the user. This application is incredibly useful as it allows the user to have an all in one application without having to open another or having to have a busy desktop. This then leads to users having trust in the service to use it more often without placing droughts in the users head.You can also use this application when travelling as you will be able to talk on the move, whilst looking at your emails. also, this will be accessible in devices such as android phones and this can be done on the Ipad offers this service and will allow you to make the calls. The accessibility of this service is really positive as it allows the user to feel free to use the service whenever they want to without having to carry a laptop around with them all day or without having to do all of their tasks in one set place. The priorty box in gmail allows you to organise the most important mail from the least important mail in order to have the ability of easy access. priority boxes are a really good feature as gmail gets to know the users habits over a period of time; this will develop as the if the user constantly uses the server. The other positive about priority boxes are that they avoid all spam and junk mail, which the user will find useful as they will be able to avoid openiong them. This is a major advantage for the users as it cuts down on unnecessary time waste from sorting out the items that are unnecessary as well having the ability to have an automatic indication of proxy emails that may harm the users data and computer.The next feature about Gmail is the drag and drop application, which allows the user to save time in sending multimedia messages which may include videos and pictures. This is a very important factor especially for businesses who wish to send and share data and other multimedia documents internal and externally.There is normally a way to attach the multimedia to email and all they have to do is drag and drop the multimedia item to the my opinion, the best feature for me is the face to face communication ability. there is no need to use instant messaging servers such as MSN as you will be able to have face to face chat through Gmail whilst looking through your mail. the only extra piece of equiptment that you will require for the face to face chat is a webcam, so that you can send and recieve the imaging; Therefore making the process extremely efficient and easy to use.

Hotmail is one of the oldest and most known email server and has established so well it has 36 different languages available for users for users all over the world, people who wish to speak their own laguage or people who wish
to simply speak another language. This is a great advantage as it allows the user to have a broad choice of which language to communicate in; This is particularly useful for translating information to people, friends and colleges all over the world. This also allows society to become more multicultural and this is done in a positive way through ICT, which is extremely positive for the future outlook on social behaviour.Hotmail allows the user to store their emails in order to access them at a later date. when you first start up a hotmail account, you will be given 2G's of memory and thats only to begin with. This is a reasonable starting point as it is quite a large size and you are able to receive it for free. This is also very positive as it encourages the user to store their information as the capacity will grow and expand according to the amount of space the user uses. This is also positive as the user can back up all of their information if they loose it else where, then it can be recovered.The next amazing feature about Hotmail is that it has the same applications and tools are impecably similar to those of Microsoft Outlook.This is a big plus point as Hotmail have tryed to make it easier for their users to become familiar with the software so that they are not trying to constantly learn new processes. By allowing the user to have this application of ease it encourages them to have trust in the service and also pass on that positive response to other uses; this then results in the businesses obtaining a high reputation. Hotmail also have the drag and drop service so that their viewers can just spend less time attaching multimedia items to thier emails. This is a very important requirement that users expect to have as there is a constant sharing of multimedia items that are used to provoke response and conversation on the topic. Hotmail has also got an automated spell checker for whilst writing emails which is extremely useful and makes for a more quick and efficient process. It is also useful for those who are used to shortening their words in texts as a helpful reminder. This is also a positive for the younger users to ensure that they are spelling correctly and that they are improving and learning from their mistakes.Hotmail is very good, just like Gmail at protecting the emails that you send; they do this via virus scanning and spam protection. the spam protection helps to avoid spam mail from entering the inbox as it detects them before hand. This is also an advantage as it allows the user to have trust in the service, therefore, increasing it's popularity and reputation.

on the other hand, we also have the virus protection which detects the viruses and then prevents them from entering the users system.Therefore, there is no need for the user to buy excess software unnecessary.


The first advantage to emails is that they are very cheap to send because there are no costs in the actual sending of the emails,; the only costs you will face is the actual equipment, the server and the connection to broadband.
They are also a quick and efficient way of communicating with people all over the world as the emails are really cheap to send and it is also very eco-friendly as we are using less paper.
The second advantage is that the user will be able to send the same email to several people and they can also keep the recipients unaware of the fact that other people have received the same email by using the b cc application. This is a really good aspect for businesses as it is a really good way to inform and receive notices and other multimedia items, as Hotmail allows the user to attach multimedia items such as videos, pictures and text.It also saves a lot of time that is needed to write out each email, which can be very time consuming.This is an overall advantage for people that want to send multimedia items to their friends or colleagues.

So, what are the disadvantages of using email.?
firstly, spam mail is quite frustrating as it is never ending and is also very annoying for the user as they must travel their way through a lot of spam mail in order to get to the emails that they need to view. another disadvantage is that the email has to travel quite far before it gets to the recipient, which means that hackers can use it to get into the system and they will be able to retrieve personal details such as bank details.there is also the possibility that they can change the content of the email and set viruses to attack your system.
the final disadvantage is a very big one; misinterpreting emails is a very big issue because in this age when people are sending emails they are not always using the correct grammar or they are sending very confusing emails due to the format and process. this effects the audiences such as the very elderly and the very young as they will not be familiar with the spam and virus mailing, as well as the formatting and wording of emails.

added opinions and printscreens of blogger straight to ebook

Print screens of applications on Gmail and Hotmail-

This is the application in Gmail which allows the user
 to make calls to other users computers and phones.
This is a Gmail inbox

This is a Gmail contact list

This is a Hotmail inbox

This is Microsoft outlook

This is a New email in Hotmail

Damian McBride & Derek Draper

Downing Street aide quits after writing 'smear' emails about top Tories' private lives

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER All By This Author - 11/04/2009 18:46:52

Damian McBride had sent a series of emails containing lurid allegations about the private lives of David Cameron, George Osborne and other Conservative MPs.
One of Gordon Brown's most senior aides resigned tonight over emails discussing possible smear stories about Tory ministers.
Damian McBride had sent a series of emails containing lurid allegations about the private lives of David Cameron, George Osborne and other Conservative MPs.
Downing Street announced tonight the adviser had resigned and said it was Mr Brown's view that there was 'no place in politics for the dissemination or publication of material of this kind'.
Ex-Home Secretary Charles Clarke had earlier today demanded that Mr McBride be sacked for the emails which Downing Street earlier described as 'juvenile and inappropriate'.

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I think that this story is an example of how emails can be used in a sour way to provoke peoples aggression as well as causing unnecessary trouble. 


Were Russian security services behind the leak of 'Climategate' emails?

By WILL STEWART,MARTIN DELGADO All By This Author - 06/12/2009 13:29:54

An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has discovered that the explosive hacked emails were leaked from the formerly closed city of Tomsk in Siberia.
Suspicions were growing last night that Russian security services were behind the leaking of the notorious British ‘Climategate’ emails which threaten to undermine tomorrow’s Copenhagen global warming summit. 
An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has discovered that the explosive hacked emails from the University of East Anglia were leaked via a small web server in the formerly closed city of Tomsk in Siberia.

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I think that this story is a good example of how hackers can use private emails to obtain details and in this case, it proves to be very dangerous.

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