My Blog List

Monday 13 September 2010

Micro Blogs

What are Microblogs?
Microblogs are....well, it is all in the name. They are smaller than the traditional blogs; however, they are used in the same the same way as traditional blogs. The only main difference is that there may be a word restriction on the micro blogs. Microblogs allow the user to insert multimedia objects such as video's and picture's as well as the traditional text. the most popular form of micro blogging is Twitter. The limitation on this blogging site for text per post is 140 word. Microblogs are especially useful for users that are on the go constantly. This is very positive as users will be able to make quick updates anywhere at any time. This is also useful as it allows the user to get short feedback on their comments as well. Small posts allow the work to become more interesting and they are also quicker to write and are straight to the point. If the public are interested in your blog posts, they will be able to place them on their walls. This system is great for businesses and up and coming acts who want to get noticed and the disadvantage is that if the user doesn't want to share their posts they cannot do anything about it.

Features of Twitter-
Twitter first feature that stands out on twitter is that ability that the users will have to 'twitpic' which means that the users will be able to store the pictures they post, so anyone can access them. This saves time for the other users as they don't need to search up and down pages in order to find a picture. This is also great for the organisation of pictures as well as improving the accessibility or other users. Twitter also allows users to follow the famous celebrities such as Justin Bieber, and the advantage and security to this feature is that they are verified using a tick of verification. Another great feature is that the user can be followed by other users and they can follow other users themselves. To do this, you can go on the users profile and click follow; However, this also depends on the users privacy settings. One other feature is that users are able to re tweet other people messages and pass them off as their own. The advantage to this is that it becomes easier to share news as it saves the user time rewriting the tweets and it is also good for businesses who want to advertise as they will get a large space to advertise in. The big feature that is really important for Microbloggers who are always on the go is that Twitter can be accessed from android devices such as the ipad, the xbox and other internet enabled phones. This is an advantage as it allows the users to stay in touch with the world and look at updates on the go, especially when they lack time; This is also why the word limitations on each tweet is such an advantage. The user is also able to search for people by their user name or name and send them invitations through email. This service is an advantage as it allows the user to organise friendship lists and also have celebrities as well.

Features of Tumblr-
Tumblr also shares some of the same qualities as Twitter, However, Tumblr has it's own special features as well. Tumblr has a special feature which allows the user to upload images and multimedia such a videos- The user can do this by embedding the video or by transferring the video from their chosen file. This is an advantage as it makes it easier for the user to insert multimedia items as well as making it more time efficient and less time consuming for the user to use. The second great feature about Tumblr is that the user is able to customise their profile to match their personality as well as creating a more interesting blog. This is also an advantage as Tumblr allows the user to insert their chosen image and then create a themed background with the picture. This will also attract more users as it gives the users the freedom to create a more lively profile.
Tumblr also has the features that Twitter has such as re blogging and adding friends, Tumblr can also be accessed on android devices.
Here are three news stories about online micro blogging and my opinions on them-

New hands-free technology lets motorists use Twitter while driving

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:18 AM on 24th July 2010
New hands-free technology lets motorists use Twitter while driving By Daily Mail Reporter                                                         Last updated at 3:18 AM on 24th July 2010
British motorists could soon be able to use Twitter while driving with new hands-free technology from car company Ford.The system, called AppLink, allows applications on iPhones and BlackBerries to be voice-controlled.It reads 'tweet' updates out loud while the car is on the move - but does not allow the driver to respond.

I think that this system will be an addition to the efficiency and the convenience of motorists that are using Twitter; However, I feel that this may increase the risk of accidents and may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble for the emergency services and the general public.

How Michael Jackson's death shut down Twitter, brought chaos to Google... and 'killed off' Jeff
Goldblum By Claire Bates
Last updated at 11:55 PM on 26th June 2009

The story created such a surge in online traffic that Google returned an 'error message' for searches of the singer's name as it assumed it was under attack. Just seconds after the story broke on the American entertainment website, messages or 'Tweets' about the singer on the micro-blogging site Twitter doubled, leading to a temporary shutdown of the site.

I feel that this is a very interesting story on how error messaging can effect the internet traffic and how the media has an influence over the way that people think, Therefore, affecting the way that people are blogging and tweeting.

Comedy Clash Over Chegwin Gags Is No Joke 
Share Share Comments (41)9:53pm UK, Friday July 23, 2010 Andy Winter, Sky News Online

Keith Chegwin has come under attack from fellow comedians for posting jokes on Twitter without crediting their creators. The 53-year-old funnyman - who regularly updates his page with one-liners - is now firmly embroiled in a spat with his peers, who accuse him of pinching material from other comics on the circuit.

I think that this story is a great example of how posting certain things without the corrections can lead to conflict and arguments amongst groups of people due to errors in understanding.

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